lead and scale

hy is a consultancy in the field of strategy, innovation and digital transformation.

At hy, we are building a partner organization in which all partners make important decisions for the operational and strategic development of hy. If you have a relevant network, are a thought leader in your area of expertise and are ready to successfully build your business unit – then hy is the right place for you.

What to expect at hy


We work on complex and relevant challenges of the future. With your decisions on the operational and strategic development of the company, you not only determine the course of hy, but also create a strong impact in the economic ecosystem of our customers.

A smart team

We stick together. In the team, we communicate at eye level across all levels and maintain a casual and direct interaction with each other. We exchange ideas, help each other and thus advance each other.

Agile organization

We do not have long communication paths. Our business units work autonomously, which enables simple workflows and quick decisions. Do you have ideas or want to try something out? Communicate, plan and
and get started.

Join our team


Get in touch with us.

Franziska Woyde
Senior Manager People and Organziation
