Jan Hasse
Partner and MD hy Technologies
Jan is Partner and Managing Director at hy Technologies. He has 10+ years of experience in applied Artificial Intelligence (AI) at Deloitte, PwC, Bertelsmann and Allianz. As a visionary leader and bold creator, he was instrumental in founding Germany's AI Park. As founder of a self-service marketplace for distributed AI solutions, he combines corporate experience with a lean startup mindset. Together with his team, Jan designs and develops AI-fueled business models and scalable products to increase efficiency and optimize costs for our customers in small and medium businesses, multinational corporations and public administrations. With a strong network in the European AI ecosystem, he transforms AI into RoI and focuses on human-centered AI products. As a thought leader, he is also a sought-after speaker and panelist at leading events on the topics of Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Foundational Models.