Daring to think outside the box

What do you want to move in 2021?
For me personally, I’d like to be even more active in the intersection between technology and business modelling. I view staying curious about new technologies and the potential they contain as an essential basis for understanding how they can be applied and the possible business models that can emerge from this. What does this require? Of course, a slick presentation helps us channel our knowledge and perceptions, but it’s much more important to think outside the box (or to look over the side of the plate, as we say in German), to scrutinise hypotheses, to question our own ideas or let them be examined by others.
Thinking outside the box means being an active networker – not just somebody who profits from other people’s know-how but someone who contributes actively to collective knowledge outcomes. And what does this mean for my work at hy? My motivation is for my clients to view me (and thus hy as well) as a partner who doesn’t just map out ideas but also supports the putting into practice of these ideas once they’ve been worked out. I also want to keep challenging ideas and pointing out when it may not have been the best decision to veer from a particular path.
Prospects 2021
- The development of digital and highly client-centred business models will move ahead even more in the field of B2B
- New technologies like functional surfaces, quantum sensing and smart implants will create foundations for new business models
- Further investment in acquisition of offline customers in the digital world, and also for digital products