Category: Pricing and Sales

  • No more hourly and daily rates!

    Consultants, IT companies, marketing agencies, and other service providers should be measured by their generated output rather than their input In our most recent newsletter article, we discussed how artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing pricing and explained how to successfully implement AI-based pricing (you…

  • AI-based pricing – from vision to concrete implementation

    “Think big, start small, scale fast” – A guide Artificial intelligence (AI) is on everyone’s lips and has become a hype topic in many companies since the introduction of ChatGPT at the end of November 2022. The media attention for AI is enormous and the potential use cases…

  • Migration from license to subscription – what it takes to seize the once-in-a-decade opportunity

    In 2024, it is predicted that more revenue is generated with cloud-based subscription software than with on-premises software (Statista). No surprise, subscription pricing models have been on the rise for years – not only in the software industry. What is a surprise, is…