Category: Positions 2021

  • Embracing lifelong learning

    What do you want to move in 2021? In 2021, we at Udacity want to continue to help train the world’s workforce in the careers of the future. While Covid closed down the traditional, in-person paths to deliver quality technical education, it also demonstrated the viability of online training…

  • Pandemic, China crisis, Brexit and Biden play to POLITICO’s strengths

    What do you want to move in 2021? The coronavirus pandemic has played to POLITICO’s strengths by highlighting the need for high-quality, policy-led journalism that cuts through the noise and across national and ideological borders. While 2020 has been incredibly tough for the media business in…

  • Daring to think outside the box

    What do you want to move in 2021? For me personally, I’d like to be even more active in the intersection between technology and business modelling. I view staying curious about new technologies and the potential they contain as an essential basis for understanding how they can be applied…

  • Equal-opportunity and digital – that‘s contemporary education

    What do you want to move in 2021? Learning is the key to well-being and prosperity, and a precondition for developing our society further. In a globalised and digital world, Germany can only stay competitive if its education system is continually evolving. That’s why in 2009 we designed…

  • Banking will change in 2021

    And we at Banxware will create the basis for new innovations What do you want to move in 2021? In 2021 I’d like to move things on many different levels: 1. Banxware By the end of 2021 Banxware has a product ready to scale up, that lays the…

  • Doing is like wanting, only more in-your-face

    What do you want to move in 2021? 2020 – hell, what a year! I’m wishing loads of things for 2021: to spend more time with friends and family, more time in the natural world, more time for music, for sport. Actually, more time to do stuff rather than…

  • Digital transformation in focus

    What do you want to move in 2021? We’re living in really intense times and during a phase of transformation that’s challenging us all and calling into question existing company models, patterns and processes. I’m particularly interested, as part of the whole CeramTec team, in further developing and moving…

  • Investing in a better future

    What do you want to move in 2021? We’re an early-phase investor and have invested in more than seventy digital start-ups over the last two and a half years. In 2021 we’re looking to build up our investment activities further. In practice, that means for us that we’re…

  • The key role of start-ups in the way out of the crisis

    What do you want to move in 2021? On one side, what I’m wishing for in 2021 is a bit more peace and stability, and on the other more boldness, change and speed. How can these fit together? I wish the situation with the pandemic is brought under control…

  • Reaping the rewards of growth with excellence in innovation

    What do you want to move in 2021? It’s often repeated that the greatest fortunes are made in times of crisis and, although the data only partially supports this assertion, it would be interesting to briefly consider what mechanisms actually lie behind capital re-allocation during times of crisis.