Category: Interview

  • 4 Questions to Kjer Dabelstein

    Since 2016, Kjer Dabelstein has been working for Mazars, an integrated partnership in the field of tax consulting, auditing and business consulting. From this spring onwards, Mazars is taking on a new challenge, a project that aims at nothing less than “reinventing audit”. Today he is telling us…

  • 4 Questions to Dr. Vanessa Loreto

    Hi Vanessa, it is so nice to have you here with us today! For eight year now, you have been working for edding’s innovation department and your hard work has clearly paid off. In 2018, edding was honored as Germany’s most innovative medium-sized enterprise. As Vice President of the new…

  • 4 Questions to Uwe Günzel

    Uwe Günzel has worked in innovation for the pharmaceutical industry for many years before co-founding RoX Health in early 2020. RoX Health is a Berlin-based startup studio and subsidiary of Roche Germany. It focuses predominantly on digital health and seeks to drive innovation in the healthcare sector. Hi…

  • 4 Questions to Phil Jenke

    Phil Jenke is the Venture Lead at OBI SQUARED and within his position, drives the future of Germany’s number one DIY retailer OBI. We talked about the structure of the innovation unit OBI SQUARED and their plans for the near future. Hi Phil, great to have you as our guest…

  • 4 Questions to Sven Siering

    Hi Sven, great to have you as our guest today! You are the Managing Director of Could you please tell us more about the story behind’s foundation and which role Deutsche Leasing played in that process? The story behind …

  • 4 Questions to Christian Lindener

    Christian (“Chris”) Lindener is the Head of Airbus Scale, Airbus’ innovation unit that brings together corporate innovation, company building  and startup engagement. In this capacity, Chris leads and drives the company’s internal and external innovation activities. Hi Chris, great to have you as our guest! In your…

  • 4 Questions to Renate Krammer

    Renate Krammer is Head of Innovation at Uniper. We talked to her about corporate innovation and the corresponding challenges.  Hi Renate, thanks for taking this interview! You are Head of Innovation at Uniper, and I have read that you are focusing on “Radar, Ideation, and Portfolio Management”. What…

  • 4 Questions to Jürgen Stein

    Jürgen Stein is the Head of Innovation at EnBW. In June 2021, Jürgen and the team at EnBW received the “Digital Lab Award 2021” from the business magazine Capital. The company is thus once again one of the best innovation labs in Germany this year. In its role,…

  • 4 Questions to Dr. Henning Trill

    Dr. Henning Trill is Vice President of Innovation Strategy at Bayer. In this role, he is responsible for Bayer’s Innovation Agenda, a top-down and bottom-up approach to drive innovation. Besides he is a mentor for entrepreneurs at Unreasonable Group. In your current role as Vice President of Innovation…

  • 3 Questions to Robin Nehring

    Robin is Head of Corporate Development at Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf, one of Germany’s largest savings banks. Together with his team, he develops strategies and action plans to make the company fit for the future. This covers the central bundling of innovation and digitalization activities as well as transformation management.